Not only do I begin each intended painting fresh every time I start to paint a new canvas, I come to each canvas fresh EVERY TIME I PAINT, and some pieces have as many as 20 or 30 applications of color. Sometimes I walk into my studio and simply inquire (in my head) “who needs something today?” and then “what do YOU need?” I essentially listen to them, and dive in with whatever I’m sensing a particular piece is wanting or needing. Some pieces can be pretty bossy, as pictures form in my mind’s eye of something that needs to be added or changed in a piece, something that my personality or rational mind doesn’t want to do. It could be that the action I am being pestered to add will cover up a part of the painting I really like, or that it seems impossible to make such an addition work successfully, or it just seems ugly. If the image continues returning to my mind, I usually acquiesce and just go ahead and do it, and see what will happen. The worst thing that could happen is that it will ruin the painting, right? And its all just cloth and colored goop, in the end…
I have found that when I paint Sri Yantras, they are particularly emphatic about what needs to be painted in what order, and what colors. Each one seems to dictate what it will look like, as if the painter is not part of the decision-making process.