These are all original paintings by margaret lindsey: some are available for sale, some are also available as prints. please inquire

light wave


doorway, pathway

doorway, pathway

yin/yang Flower of life #3

“alive, under the earth” acrylic on wood panel

“woven spiral” —a recent collab with artist Kris johnson—we wove strips of margaret’s spiral painting on kris’s loom

sun ladder painting on canvas—gifted to my beautiful young friends who just got married—Kris and ramses

chakra ladder, one of a series of laddered canvas paintings



4 heart spirals at Brittany Davis gallery, nevada city ca

lyrics from “blackbird” by lennon & mccartney.

acrylic and mixed media on canvas, mounted on wood panel

4 wood panels with text: questioning inviting conscious participation in life…

“waning moon rising” on the san juan ridge

a study in the relationship between the ancient flower of life and the yan/yang symbol, expressed with a nod to the new webb telescope images

spacescape: inspired by NASA’s WEbb telescope pix

another in the flower of life space series: yin/yang within

prayers for the earth

prayers for the earth: earth surrounded by a grid composed of metatron’s cube

flower of life becoming metatron’s cube


for more info and pricing of originals or prints, Please contact Margaret. many are out in the world doing their work…