conscious creativity: for ourselves, our culture, our world
“art is a natural human language, a way to inquire”
Margaret Lindsey, MFA: is a mentor, healer, life-long artist, educator, creativity coach and facilitator. she defines “art” as a creative action taken, as inquiry, as a quest. She has mentored and taught transformative art processes for decades, and is passionate about this work. She lives and paints in the mountains outside of Nevada City, ca, and shows her paintings in galleries and community spaces. She guides expressive art and healing retreats in various settings, and is now guiding real-time creativity and consciousness classes and meditations on zoom. many of these classes and practices have been adapted or grown from the graduate seminars she taught in the ARts & Consciousness program at J.F.K. University, in berkeley, ca.
this is creative cross-training
“My approach to creativity and consciousness begins with this belief: the more aspects of a person’s being that are engaged while learning and healing, the more likely it is that transformation of consciousness can occur. When people actively create, while sourcing themselves holistically, they are essentially engaging in creative cross-training. Quantum change occurs when the entire being is involved: when the somatic, emotional, cognitive and meditative aspects of self are all engaged.
Using creative process, I invite my clients and students to drop deep within themselves, to inquire authentically, and to express what has meaning and passion in their lives, within the framework of a safe, supportive, guided environment.”—Mlindsey
“this is creative cross-training…quantum change occurs when the entire being is involved”
• Bio highlights:
margaret lindsey has developed and taught courses in visual arts, consciousness, wellness, and arts education at secondary, undergrad, and graduate levels, (semester and year-long courses); developed and facilitated workshops, staff development, in-services and retreats for groups of 5 to 125; Mentored colleagues and student teachers, particularly in terms of curriculum development and the inclusion of thinking/meaning/sensing practices within an arts curriculum; Directed and developed courses and curriculum for successful secondary visual arts programs, including studio art, graphic design, sculpture, and photography; Developed and taught graduate seminars including Teaching Practicum, Art & Symbolic Process, Art as a Spiritual Practice, Mandalas, and Transformative Art Critique. she is currently writing a book about her conscious art practice.
“the paint can leave our hands in so many different ways: each mark expresses something authentic…”
• Recent professional experience
Adjunct Professor at J.F.K. University, Berkeley, CA, in the Arts & Consciousness Program | mentor in Education at Notre Dame de Namur University, Belmont CA. | Department Head and Gallery Director for Visual & Performing Arts at Notre Dame High School, Belmont, CA. | mentor and guide: On-going development of small-group wellness, visioning and process art workshops on zoom, and in-person, as well as one-on-one creativity mentoring.
• recent gallery shows
2022-24: on-going group show at artworks gallery in Grass VAlley, CA
Nov.-dec. 2023: “The mindful exhibit”, a group show featuring contemplative work by various artists. Margaret showed 17 mandalas. Brittany Davis gallery, Nevada city, ca
oct. 2022, 23: “Open studios” a group show at Center for the Arts, Grass Valley CA
oct. 2022: “Open Studios” solo show of acrylic paintings by Margaret Lindsey
Oct. 2022: “the altar show” a group show at ASIF gallery, Grass Valley, ca.
summer, 2022: “friday night art walks”, 2 person show, downtown nevada city, ca
Nov. 2021-Jan. 2022: “for heart’s sake” a solo show of visionary and sacred geometry paintings, at for goodness sake spiritual resource center in Truckee, CA
• Degrees
MFA Studio Art, JFK University, arts & Consciousness Program; BA in Art, California State University, CHico; Calif. clear secondary teaching credential--Art and English
• contact
acrylic paintings & prints, installations, shows
conscious creative practices, one-on-one creative coaching, group process
expressive art workshops, webinars, book, blog, speaking
guided meditations, residential and online retreats, transformative art, circles and ceremony