Teaching from my home studio: Definitely exploring the unknown…
The virus has jump-started my online transformative art school-- the creativity forum I have longed-for, imagined, been preparing for, and creating for years. I just didn’t know that NOW would be when it needed to roar forward. As my local painting classes emptied and shut down, as my gallery closed, as my summer workshops began to look more and more unlikely, and my newly-begun live meditations with the heart spiral in Folsom had to be shuttered, it became to take action.
Collaborations have become the name of the game: Bree Luther and I morphed our Heart Spiral Doorway meditation/sound healing series to the Zoom-o-sphere. With great success, I might add, and veryimperfect presentation in terms of tech issues. These live meditations are now a monthly deal, but are still a work in progress. Wonderfully, everyone is patient and willing to learn with us. When Rosie Kuhn and I realized that our planned workshop this summer on Orcas may or may not happen, we felt we needed to offer something NOW, in our usual she’s-the-word-wizard and I’m the-art-magician kind of way. That webinar starts in April. My Expressive Painting with acrylics class had a very rocky beginning--it didn’t, basically, begin at all, due to massive connectivity problems with my sketchy satellite wifi system here on the mountain. Cued by my largely successful experiences leading meditations with the Heart Spiral Doorway now on Zoom, I figured out I needed to find a co-host who could stream the Zoom room, which I could then teach from it. I couldn’t do it alone, despite the fact that I am in my studio alone. A work-around for sure, but it seems to get the job done, and its more fun having co-hosts anyway.
The humbling part of this all is finding out how much I don’t know.
The wonderful thing about this all, ultimately, is finding out how much I don’t know.
It means I get to re-imagine how I teach, how I facilitate, how I promote conscious creativity—and I get to do this creatively and consciously. It is always new, and always a surprise.
And I have lots of company in all this learning…
workshops, classes, meditations: all now sourced in this corner of my painting studio…