Meditating with geometric the forms: a fine study
In the years since I first started meditating with my paintings, sacred geometry has become a method of inquiry I’ve continued to hone. I’ve now guided countless groups through meditation and art practice with many specific geometries, such as The Flower of Life, Shri Yantra, 12=pointed star, labyrinths, and the heart spiral, usually using my own paintings as the focus point. Observing and witnessing our experiences has allowed me to study the specific vibrational and archetypal fields that various geometries engender. Over time, I’ve been able to track some general patterns. Each specific geometric form apparently can take people into a different state of consciousness. These non-ordinary states open up healing zones, or specific informational downloads, or facilitate contact with specific dimensions, depending on the geometry, and on the person. This was such a revelation to me, a whole new world, when I first started experiencing it, having grown up and been educated entirely in Western Christian culture, with no training in Eastern wisdom traditions of meditation with mantras, for example. Prior to this work, I had not done much sitting meditation, at the point I started working with these mandalas, I was just re-igniting my yoga practice.
There is a long history in art and architecture of conscious use of geometry to create specific mental or spiritual states in populations of viewers, and it’s pretty juicy to study this outside of formal institutions, playing with the forms experientially, somatically. This is the same process that occurs when people walk an earth labyrinth, or meditate with a Green Tara tanka, or pray in an ancient cathedral or temple: we are accessing the same technology, for our own purposes. When humans do this, we are consciously choosing to enter the vibrational field of an essence or belief or entity, through art that represents that powerful archetype or diety. As we slip into these magnificent morphogenic fields, which may have had millions of humans interacting with them over thousands of years, we can be illuminated within by some of that radiance, receive some of the information contained within it. The history of such human interactions, and the specific wisdom inherent in each archetype, is available to us when we engage with it, by painting it, drawing it, dancing it, chanting it, viewing it, or meditating with it.