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GUIDED MEDITATION with art: heart spiral practice to celebrate the solstice

heart spiral MEDITATION: guided art meditation with Margaret Lindsey, ON ZOOM

Meditate with a heart spiral light grid: a guided by creativity mentor Margaret Lindsey

dec 21. 2024, 3:30pm-4:30-ish pm PT. Contact Margaret for more information or a zoom invite…

This zoom meditation is built on Margaret’s regular ongoing zoom series, and grows from her years-long practice of meditating with art. The zoom meditations feature streamed painted images of Sacred Geometry that Margaret has created over her years, which she combines with words and recorded music. This is always a gentle experience, appropriate for all. For the best experience, it is helpful to have good sound, and ideally a large screen. You may sit, stand, or lie down, and may want to do yoga or other contemplative body practices as you follow the meditation. Bring a journal and something to write with.

email for more information, or to reserve your spot.

Click here to go to Youtube for videos of Margaret’s geometry paintings. These are without her personal, real-time guided meditations that she offers during her monthly events, and classes

about the meditations with sacred geometry: Margaret Lindsey’s recent meditation events with the Heart Spiral started with live group gatherings around a 5-foot floor mandala of the dark blue Heart Spiral. we’ve been gathering on Zoom, since covid times, utilizing an on-screen projection of the same piece. The guided meditation evenings with the heart spiral or other geometries usually include music, and/or other creative offerings such as chanting or singing, led by a posse of wonderful alternative guest healers and thinkers. Margaret often guides a short creative practice as part of the evening. No prior meditation or art experience is necessary.

Margaret has been guiding meditations with her art for many years, often creating similar giant floor paintings for this purpose, as a way of mapping various ancient geometric forms, such as the Flower of Life, Metatron’s Cube, and the Shri Yantra. The HEART SPIRAL has been showing up in her art lately as a multi-dimensional form, and has been particularly active as a meditation focus for herself and others.

If you are interested in getting on the Sacred Geometry Art Meditation emailing list, please contact Margaret at, and we will contact you for details of the next scheduled public event.

Meditations with art, particularly sacred geometry, often reveal new information to the meditator, as well as guidance, healing, or energetic clearing. Every guided meditation session is unique to the art form, and to the individual who enters into active meditation with a given piece.

about the heart spiral meditations “The first heart spiral I painted was inspired by a diagram of heart energy I found while investigating yogic bandas. The form has morphed over time into an emblem and expression of infinite and generative love, and has served as a logo, a mantra, and banner for the expression of caring love in many places. The heart spiral geometry continues to expand in my consciousness and creative work, and now includes green, turquoise, brown, yellow, red, white and rainbow versions.

Please meditate with the heart spiral, and write to me about your experiences, or post on instagram, #heartspiraldoorway”—ML

For information about how the heart spiral art first came about, and how Margaret is working with it now, click here.