Art & Symbolic Process is a creative practice that unfolds through intensive creative personal investigation with a single, personally selected symbol. Guided artmaking and other creative practices make this a rich investigation…
• ZOOM groups forming: $450 for 8 zoom sessions + one individual session with Margaret. there are eight 2-hr. sessions, alternate Thursdays (mostly), 10am-12noon PT. The final session of the template is a time for participants to share their process experience, and usually runs a bit longer—possibly 3 hours, and is an incredible interchange.
if you are interested in joining the next round of Art & Symbolic Process, please email Margaret to schedule a short check-in about the process.
Art & Symbolic Process awakens the relationship between an individual and their world. An incredible shift of awareness is driven by the artwork each person makes with their individual symbol, selected at the beginning of the course, which becomes the focus and driver for all of the art that is created. Margaret guides students during each session through different transformative art processes with their symbol, which creates a doorway for engaging the senses, for touching in with the innate knowing within themselves. This investigation is potent, powerful, and authentic. Participants experience an expansion of consciousness, heightening an awareness of the forces affecting one’s personal life and culture. All through the lens of one self-selected symbol. It works.
Your symbol could be a power animal or spirit symbol, or simply an everyday object, creature or place that can serve as a fresh lens for our creative inquiry. Usually we work with something tangible in the world, rather than abstract concepts: a bone, a fox, a cup, a lake, a doorway, a hand…the symbol becomes a unique and personal lens for sensing the world more dimensionally.
The zoom version of Art & Symbolic Process is modeled on the well-honed, successful template taught by Margaret Lindsey for years in JFKU’s Art & Symbolic Process seminar, with a LOT of artmaking during class to juice up the process. This process art group
Art & Symbolic Process is appropriate for all creatives, regardless of specific art training or preferred media, as long as you are willing to journal your process, and make plenty of art in visual, physical form. All classes are currently offered on Zoom, with a private landing page on for accessing the materials scheduled for each chapter, and for posting and responding to each other’s images.
Prior artmaking or transformative art experience is helpful, as well as an interest in participating more consciously and creatively with the unseen world, and the desire to access your inner wisdom creatively. This type of art is not critiqued or judged—you can’t do this wrong. Process art such as this is simply the tool that spurs our conversations with the symbolic world, and a rich way to record our journey along the way. Participants will need to have basic art supplies on hand, and be willing to spend time artmaking outside of class. The more artwork/creative time one spends outside of class, the more potent this process will be. for a list of supplies, click here.
click here for more info on the concepts of Art & Symbolic Process, symbols, and archetypes.
For more information, contact Margaret Lindsey:
• Zoom class meetings will include individual check-ins, guided meditations with live-time guided artmaking, slide shows, discussions, and prompts for work at home.
• We will seek your symbol together during the first meeting—you do not need to know ahead of time what it will be. In general, be open to any creature, place or object. We usually don’t use numbers, words, abstract symbols, or human/god/goddess archetypes for this process. The idea is to come to your symbolic process without prior knowledge of its symbolism, so that you are able to come to it with an open mind and heart.
• At home, you will experience and investigate your symbol in as many ways as possible, creatively. Activity prompts, readings, slideshows and recordings to guided meditations for each chapter will be posted on a private A&SP page on Margaret’s website:
• You will journal/document your own process, and witness and also participate in classmates’ symbolic process journeys.
• As you investigate your symbol, you will let it work through you, and create a series of creative works, or one large creative piece, featuring your symbol, allowing it to guide the process—approx. 30-50 hrs. No critique. No judgement. This is about authentic expression.
• once the creative work has been completed, you will spend time meditating, interacting and dialoguing with the images, mining the information that has now become conscious through your interactions with this symbol.
• afterwards, you may want to research the known/understood meaning of the archetypal/symbol which you have worked with, but DO wait to do any research until most of the initial artwork is complete. This way your experience with our symbol is unmitigated by what your mind thinks…
• the last step is to share the story of your symbolic journey with the others in your group.