“prayers for the earth” this painting is intended as a wish, a hope for our earth to be held now in a matrix of light, intelligence and consciousness.
Giclée prints of this image are available—go to sales page
For an intensified (in photoshop) version of this image, go to: prayers for the earth
MANDALAS: can be consciously worked with as powerful everyday tools for centering and inquiry
A mandala (the sanskrit word for “circle”) can be created playfully or seriously, it can be simple or elaborate, it can be interacted with in community, or be a quite personal circular expression of just about any subject. Mandalas are authentic ways to creatively center yourself, working with time-tested circular templates as a way map, inquire into, and understand life. Art-making with mandalas helps humans to visually integrate various parts of themselves or their worlds into meaningful wholes. Mandala as sacred cosmograms have been created in many world traditions throughout time—ancient technology for mapping information—by creating art in nature, sacred architecture, and containers for ritual and prayer.
go to gallery of floor mandalas
about the paintings:
METATRON’S CUBE paintings: both are acrylic on unprimed canvas, 24”x24”. The first one is named “prayers for the earth” and is intended as a wish, a hope for the earth to be held in a matrix of light, intelligence and consciousness. The second is a meditation into the nature of life, using abstract form.
Early investigations into the Flower of Life ancient sacred geometry have led me to investigate and paint many versions of Metatron’s Cube. These are the latest versions. The ancient form of Metratron’s Cube contains within it the diagrams for the atomic structure of all carbon-based life.
series of heart spirals, by Margaret Lindsey
The first heart spiral I painted was inspired by a diagram of heart energy I found while investigating yogic bandas. The form has morphed over time into an emblem and expression of infinite love, and has served as a logo, a mantra, a banner, for the expression of caring love in many places. The heart spiral geometry continues to expand in my consciousness and work, and now includes a green version and a blue version. Meditate with the heart spiral, and write to me about your experiences, or post on instagram, #heartspiraldoorway
• meditation suggestions in workbook
original painting: “the greening”, acrylic on unprimed canvas, 24”x24”
the additional circles are seeds from 4 other paintings, illustrating the four different paths of Margaret Lindsey’s conscious creative practices: painting, teaching, mentoring, and healing.
doorway: acrylic on unprimed canvas, 30”x30”
part of a series of doorways, painted as an exploration of “doorway” as an archetypal energy in one’s life—doorways kept having resonance and significance in my life during this time…
EVOLVING ROSE: acrylic on unprimed canvas, 12”x12”
One of a series of on-going flower portraits, certainly inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe, painted from life, never from a photo. I can smell it, see it, touch it…
for more new acrylic paintings by Margaret Lindsey: go to recent work gallery
painting from life, never from a photo
AGING LIKE A GURU: conversations and creative investigation
wising-up: 12”x12”, a collage of magazine photos on black illustration board, created as an investigation into knowing, seeing, growing…
Dr. Rosie Kuhn and Margaret Lindsey, MFA will lead this 6-week women’s group working with enlightened aging.
wings of light: acrylic on unprimed canvas, 24”x24”
painted after a visionary experience.
blue sky prayer flags: 10”x10” squares
original photos of California skies, printed on silk, installed and shown in various sites
ART & SYMBOLIC PROCESS awakens THE relationship between an individual and their world…a finely-honed template of focused creative practice, guided by Margaret Lindsey, MFA. Available to individuals and groups.
Symbolic Process opens doorways to the universe through symbols.
Symbolic Process connects us to the art, wisdom and knowledge of invisible worlds.
Symbolic Process engages the senses and innate knowing within each of us.
For more about Symbolic Process, click here
For Symbolic Process classes offered by Margaret Lindsey, click here
This painting: “SEE”: 12”x12”, mixed media and hand-cut stencils on wood panel