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Art as Spiritual Practice group: TBA

Art as spiritual practice group, facilitated by Margaret Lindsey:

the idea for this group grew out of a series of conversations in other groups that Margaret facilitates, and is sourced in a seminar she developed and taught in JFKU’s Arts & Consciousness program. Art As A Spiritual practice in this form will continue to evolve even as we meet monthly—A group of 11 plus myself experienced the first iteration of the zoom Art as spiritual practice group (not a seminar, but a study group) this year, and look forward to continuing to grow the template.

here my notes from the meeting where we designed the gathering as it currently exists

we meet monthly on zoom for 2.5 hours, on zoom. Margaret Lindsey facilitates, and participates. Group Members may also contribute content/experiences, as well as share resources.

the 2024 version met for ten monthly sessions, once a month. The next group is still in the formative stages.

These are Our intentions for on-going Art as Spiritual Practice group:

• to meditate and make art together

• to support each other in their own unique creative spiritual practice, whatever that looks like

• to evolve ourselves and our creative spiritual practices

• to share in a safe and sacred space with kindred creatives.

• to inspire each other, nourish ourselves, and co-create

• to shepherd each other’s unique creative spiritual practices

our general plan for the group began with these intentions, and followed this format:

• One theme or main idea each month

• Margaret leads a Guided meditation connected to theme, followed by Soul-crafting/artmaking together (in our own spaces) with a prompt after meditation.

• Additional activities: a guest or a member offers an experience/practice/ concept for the group to do together, sharing what they know best, or we may focus on one single prompt/activity for the whole session.

• Conversation time discussing ideas and issues of creativity and spirit. This we need, no matter what!

• tea time: the idea here is that we need some time for Solo sharing about our individual practices, that others can mirror, support, and give input to. As time would be an issue. This happens once a month, for an hour, no agenda—just talk. time/dates TBA

• And each meeting includes time to share resources: book titles, creative practices by others of interest to the group

• ML or the guest facilitator gives the group a prompt to apply at home or do in preparation (not homework) to be utilized/applied to one’s current creative practice


Please contact Margaret at if you are interested in joining the next group.

Offerings for Margaret as facilitator are by donation-- suggested sliding scale $300-500 or whatever works for each person.

Later Event: February 20
ART CALL: studio time together